Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Say Alhamdulillah!

During their childhood, we try to teach our children the magic words: Thank you, Please, I’m sorry, you are welcome etc. It is true that that children who use these words appear well mannered but I feel that we adults need to learn a few magic words and teach them to our children as well.
The first word is Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah is a unique words that contains in it all aspects of gratitude and praise to Allah. It is an acknowledgement of all the favours bestowed upon us by Allah. Saying this word with sincerity drives away all traces of all negative emotions like distress, sorrow, envy, jealousy, depression, pessimism etc.
The word is literally like an antibacterial soap. It makes you grateful and it makes you thankful and it gives you a positive outlook on life.
So say Alhamdulillah when you wake up in the morning, when you sit in your car, when you drop your children to school, when you eat food, when you wear a dress, when you open the door of your home and your office, when you buy fruits and vegetables. Paying your bills, say Alhamdulillah for you have a home where you use water, electricity and gas for how many do not even have a roof over their heads. 
Say Alhamdulillah if you sleep on a soft mattress and have a blanket to cover you fo how many people are shivering in the winters. Say Alhamdulillah when you enjoy a cup of hot tea or coffee or when your children eat chocolates for these are luxuries millions cannot afford. Say Alhamdulillah when your children sit down to do their homework for how many children are unable to read a single word.

Saying Alhamdulillah makes you look at the positive side of life. And when you thank Allah for His blessings sincerely, Allah's promise becomes binding.

“And remember when your Lord proclaimed, “If you are grateful, I will surely increase you in favour. But if you deny indeed, my punishment is severe.” [Quran: Chapter 14, Verse 7]

Why wouldn’t you thank Allah for the countless blessings that have been bestowed upon you? Please make it a habit to say Alhamdulillah frequently and with sincerity.

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